Cookies policy

Finanziaria Internazionale Investments SGR S.p.A. (hereinafter also referred to as “the Company”), as Data Controller, informs you that, pursuant to articles 13 and 14 of the Regulation, this website makes use of cookies.
This policy describes the characteristics of cookies in use and the use that the Data Controller makes of them, in accordance with the Provision issued by the Cookie Guidelines and other tracking tools of 10 June 2021 (EU Regulation 2016/679).
The information is provided only for the website and not for other websites that may be consulted or however accessed by the user through links that may be present in this website.

A. What are cookies and how do they work
Cookies are small text files placed on the User’s devices by the websites visited. The information is usually saved in the folders of the browser where they are stored and then sent back to the same website on the User’s next visit.
Cookies enable the Company’s server to receive information that is reread and updated each time the user returns to the Company’s website.
Cookies contain at least the following information:
  • indication of the server from which they were generated (or domain);
  • their duration (or expiry date);
  • a unique identification code;
  • a unique value.

B. What are cookies for
Cookies make it easier to consult the website and improve navigation within the site. Cookies also provide the manager of the website with anonymous information on the navigation of users, also to obtain statistical data on site usage.
The information collected can also be used to build the profile of preferences expressed by the user during navigation, in order to customise commercial and promotional messages.

C. Types of cookies
Cookies can be divided into the following categories: Technical Cookies and Profiling Cookies.

C.1 Technical Cookies
Technical cookies are essential for the correct functioning of the website, however, the user may choose not to allow the use of these cookies by changing the browser settings, bearing in mind that disabling these cookies may prevent access to certain features of the site.
Technical cookies can be divided into:
Navigation cookies
These cookies are necessary to navigate within the site using all its features (e.g. maintaining the session and access to reserved areas) and do not collect information to be used for commercial purposes. Without these cookies it would not be possible to provide the requested services.
Functional cookies
They allow the user to navigate based on a series of selected criteria (e.g. language of the site) and thus facilitate navigation. The information collected by these cookies is anonymous.
Analytics cookies
These can be equated to technical cookies insofar as they are used directly by the website manager to collect information, in aggregate form, on the number of users and how they visit the site. They are used to optimise the management of the website itself. The information collected by these cookies does not allow identifying the user.
The installation of technical cookies does not require the prior consent of users, while the obligation to provide the policy still stands.
The acquisition and processing of data deriving from the use of technical cookies is mandatory for consultation of the site. In the event of opposition by the user, the complete and correct viewing of the site will not be possible.

C.2 Profiling Cookies
These cookies allow acquiring information on the user’s preferences, which are used to send advertising messages consistent with the choices and preferences made by the user during navigation. Profiling cookies cannot be installed on the devices of users, unless they have been properly informed and have given their consent beforehand.

D. What cookies does the Company use
Type Name Expiry Description
Sessione PHPSESSID Browser closure / 3 hours of inactivity The PHPSESSID cookie is a PHP native cookie and allows websites to store session state data. The website is used to establish a user session and to communicate status data through a temporary cookie, commonly called session cookies. The PHPSESSID cookie disappears when you close the client or after 3 hours of inactivity.
Permanent acookie 1 year Acceptance of cookies policy
Profiling - - -
Third parts - - -
E. How to disable and delete cookies
The settings of the user’s browser allow both deleting and preventing the installation of cookies on the electronic device used.
Below are the instructions given to users by the Company in order to prevent the installation of cookies for each of the main providers.
To restrict, block or delete cookies, simply adjust the settings on your browser.
The procedure may vary slightly depending on the type of browser used. For detailed instructions, please follow the guide of the browser:
E. 1 Microsoft Internet Explorer
1. Click the "Tools" button at the top of the browser window
2. Click “Internet Options” and select the "Privacy" tab;
3. To enable cookies, the Privacy level must be set on “Medium” or lower;
setting the Privacy level above “Medium” disables the use of cookies.
4. To enable the “third party cookie” option, select the “Advanced” button in the “Privacy” section, select the option “Override Automatic Cookie Handling”, confirm the “Accept” default option under “Third Party Cookies” and click OK to save. Alternatively, if you don’t want to enable third-party cookies, select “Block” under Third-Party cookies and click OK. If you want to be asked for approval every time a website attempts to send you third-party cookies, select the “Prompt” option and click OK.
E.2 MozillaFirefox
1. Go to “Tools” in the menu bar of your browser and click on “Options”;
2. Click the “Privacy” Tab and under “History” check the “Accept Cookies from Sites” box to enable cookies or uncheck this option to disable them, including third-party cookies;
3. To allow the installation of third-party cookies, select “Accept Cookies from Sites” (refer to the step above) and then under the “Accept Third-Party Cookies” select the option “Always” or “From Sites Visited” that appears from a drop-down menu; instead, if you do not want to accept third-party cookies, from the same drop-down menu select the option “Never.”
E.3 Google Chrome
1. Open Chrome on your computer and at the top right, click “Settings.”
2. At the bottom of the page, click “Advanced”
3. Under the “Privacy” section, click “Content Settings.”
4. To enable or disable cookies:
a. To enable cookies, select “Allow sites to save cookie data (recommended).”
b. To disable cookies, select “Block sites from setting any data.”
5. To block third-party cookies, in the same Privacy Section, also select “Block third-party cookies”
6. Click "End" to save.
E.4 Safari (iPhone, iPad, iPod touch)
1. Click on the “Settings” icon, select “Safari”
2. Under “Privacy and Security” select “Block Cookies”
3. Select the “Block Always” option if you want to prevent the installation of cookies.
For more information on cookies, visit the following websites:

F. Permanently opting-out of profiling cookies
If you use Internet Explorer 9 or higher
1. Click on “Tools” in the top of the browser window
2. Select “Internet Options” and then click on the “Privacy” tab
3. Set the Privacy level to “High.”
If you use Firefox 5 or higher
1. Open the Options menu and select the Privacy tab
2. Select the option “Ask websites not to track me”
If you use Google Chrome
1. Open Chrome and go to the Settings menu
2. Click “Advanced” at the bottom of the page
3. Under Privacy, next to the Send a Request box, check “Do not keep track of my browsing activity.”

Third-party cookies
By browsing the site, cookies may be installed by other sites, accessible from the site but managed by other parties (third parties).
In this case, the owner of the site (the Company) acts only as a technical intermediary between the user and these sites.
Al via il progetto di volontariato aziendale
25 July 2023
Un gruppo di dipendenti ha preso parte alla raccolta di rifiuti nell’area verde lungo il fiume Piave nell’ambito del progetto Park Litter dell’associazione ambientalista.

50 kg in totale di materiale raccolto tra cui: 5 kg di vetro, 15 kg di ferro, copertoni, plastica e mozziconi di sigaretta.
Finint Equity for Growth (Finint E4G) entra con ABC Company nel capitale di Serinex Srl
16 May 2023

Il fondo di Finint Investments, Finint Equity for Growth (Finint E4G), perfeziona il suo secondo investimento con l’ingresso nella società Serinex S.r.l. di Annone di Brianza (LC).

AVVISO: Modifiche al Regolamento di Gestione del FIA italiano riservato denominato "Fondo Finint Bond"
06 March 2023

Si informa che il Consiglio di Amministrazione di Finanziaria Internazionale Investments SGR S.p.A. (Finint SGR) del 28 febbraio 2023 ha approvato alcune modifiche al Regolamento di Gestione del FIA italiano riservato istituito in forma aperta denominato "Fondo Finint Bond" (di seguito il "Fondo"). 

Al Fondo Efesto di Finint Investments SGR conferiti oltre 400 milioni di euro di crediti NPE
18 January 2023
Il Fondo Efesto, fondo chiuso riservato a investitori istituzionali per la gestione e valorizzazione di crediti principalmente UTP (Unlikely to Pay) avviato a ottobre 2020 da Finint Investments SGR e il cui servicer è doNext - società del Gruppo doValue - ha ricevuto conferma all’impegno di ulteriori cessioni pari a oltre €400 milioni da una primaria banca italiana.
Il Gruppo Banca Finint dà il benvenuto ai 129 nuovi assunti nel 2022 e premia 30 collaboratori e collaboratrici per le carriere aziendali
03 December 2022
La città di Conegliano e i suoi luoghi simbolo hanno fatto da sfondo alla Convention natalizia nella quale si sono riuniti i dipendenti e collaboratori del Gruppo Banca Finint che nel corso del 2022 ha acquisito Banca Consulia (ora Finint Private Bank) e integrato Finint Revalue Un momento di incontro tra professionisti di generazioni diverse, con il benvenuto ai colleghi delle realtà integrate e ai nuovi assunti e la consegna dei riconoscimenti ai dipendenti che hanno raggiunto i 10, 20, 30 e 40 anni di servizio
Mauro Sbroggiò protagonista della puntata di settembre di Insight Channel
20 September 2022

Mauro Sbroggiò, AD di Finint Investments SGR, ha preso parte alla puntata di settembre di Insights Channel FundsPeople, format di FundsPeople attivo dal 2020 che approfondisce e dà un volto ai temi della rivista mensile offrendo spunti interessanti di dibattito e aggregazione tra i professionisti del risparmio gestito attraverso panel dedicati di volta in volta ad argomenti di interesse e attualità. 

Finint Equity for Growth (Finint E4G) perfeziona il signing dell'investimento in Tecno Cover
06 September 2022

Primo signing per Finint Equity for Growth (Finint E4G), fondo di Private Equity di Finint Investments SGR.

Il fondo, nei giorni scorsi, ha perfezionato il signing propedeutico all’acquisizione della quota di maggioranza della società Tecno COVER di Carrè (VI), che commercializza i propri prodotti con il marchio STOVEitaly, mentre il closing è previsto per il mese di ottobre 2022.

Il Fondo Finint Bond miglior Fondo Hedge categoria Single Manager
30 March 2022
Finint Bond, fondo mobiliare alternativo gestito da Finint Investments SGR, è salito sul gradino più alto del podio delle gestioni migliori in termini di performance nella categoria dei fondi “single manager” ai MondoAlternative Awards 2022 come Miglior Fondo Hedge Single Manager 2021 e come Miglior Fondo Hedge Single Manager a 3 anni (2019-2021).
Modifiche al Regolamento di Gestione del FIA italiano riservato denominato "Fondo Finint Bond"
03 March 2022
Modifiche al Regolamento di Gestione del "Fondo Finint Economia Reale Italia"
03 March 2022
Il Fondo Efesto di Finint SGR, dedicato ai crediti bancari semi-deteriorati (Utp), si avvia al raddoppio
19 January 2022

Sale a oltre 700 milioni di euro il valore complessivo dei crediti UTP conferiti nel Fondo Efesto, fondo chiuso riservato a investitori istituzionali per la gestione e valorizzazione di crediti UTP (Unlikely to Pay) avviato a ottobre 2020 da Finint SGR
