
1. Preliminary remarks
A complaint is understood to be any objection, expression of unhappiness or dissatisfaction for damage or a wrong suffered by customers or potential retail customers for which SGR is deemed responsible or, at least, competent.
SGR handles any written objection received from its current or potential retail customers as a complaint, regarding the establishment, promotion, management or administration activities of Collective Investment Undertakings (CIUs) or Individual Asset Management Funds and that have as their content an economic prejudice or breach of contractual obligations or internal procedures.
Pursuant to article 17 of the Bank of Italy and Consob Regulation of 29 October 2007 and subsequent amendments and additions, SGR has adopted suitable procedures to ensure that written complaints submitted by customers are handled promptly and that records are kept of the essential elements of each complaint received and of the measures put into place to resolve the issue. For the purposes of handling complaints, SGR considers it appropriate that complaints received from professional customers (by law or on request) should be treated in the same way as complaints received from retail customers.

2. Procedures for dealing with complaints
Complaints are handled by the Compliance Function who evaluates whether they are justified and then records them in a special Register. Once the complaint has been recorded, the Compliance Function prepares the paperwork, making use of the collaboration of all the structures involved, in order to allow an appropriate and timely response to the requesting party.

3. Procedures for sending complaints
In order to be considered valid, complaints must contain the customer’s identification details, the reasons for the grievance and must be signed by the customer or his representative. Complaints, together with any relative documentation supporting the facts of the dispute, must be addressed to:

Finanziaria Internazionale Investments SGR S.p.A.
Gruppo Finanziaria Internazionale
Via Vittorio Alfieri, 1 – 31015 Conegliano (TV)

Or, alternatively sent by:
  • ordinary mail,
  • registered letter with return receipt,
  • email:, for the attention of the Compliance Office (copy of the letter in PDF format),
  • PEC email: (copy of the letter in PDF format),
  • fax to no. +39 0438 694566,
  • delivered by hand.

4. Outcome of complaints
The final outcome of the complaint, containing the decision by SGR, is sent to the Customer within 60 days from the date of its receipt by registered mail with return receipt, at the addresses in possession of SGR or by PEC email. If particular requirements require longer periods, SGR provides the Customer, within said term, information on the time needed to formulate a comprehensive response.
Al via il progetto di volontariato aziendale
25 July 2023
Un gruppo di dipendenti ha preso parte alla raccolta di rifiuti nell’area verde lungo il fiume Piave nell’ambito del progetto Park Litter dell’associazione ambientalista.

50 kg in totale di materiale raccolto tra cui: 5 kg di vetro, 15 kg di ferro, copertoni, plastica e mozziconi di sigaretta.
Finint Equity for Growth (Finint E4G) entra con ABC Company nel capitale di Serinex Srl
16 May 2023

Il fondo di Finint Investments, Finint Equity for Growth (Finint E4G), perfeziona il suo secondo investimento con l’ingresso nella società Serinex S.r.l. di Annone di Brianza (LC).

AVVISO: Modifiche al Regolamento di Gestione del FIA italiano riservato denominato "Fondo Finint Bond"
06 March 2023

Si informa che il Consiglio di Amministrazione di Finanziaria Internazionale Investments SGR S.p.A. (Finint SGR) del 28 febbraio 2023 ha approvato alcune modifiche al Regolamento di Gestione del FIA italiano riservato istituito in forma aperta denominato "Fondo Finint Bond" (di seguito il "Fondo"). 

Al Fondo Efesto di Finint Investments SGR conferiti oltre 400 milioni di euro di crediti NPE
18 January 2023
Il Fondo Efesto, fondo chiuso riservato a investitori istituzionali per la gestione e valorizzazione di crediti principalmente UTP (Unlikely to Pay) avviato a ottobre 2020 da Finint Investments SGR e il cui servicer è doNext - società del Gruppo doValue - ha ricevuto conferma all’impegno di ulteriori cessioni pari a oltre €400 milioni da una primaria banca italiana.